Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sometimes we start things

..that we wish we wouldn't have. We perfectionists know well the danger of beginning a new project, whether it be baking Valentine's Day cookies with our 2-year-old, buying fabric for kitchen curtains, decorating a cardboard appliance box "house" for same 2-year-old, taking on more transcription work, hosting a large group of people in the new house that we've only been living in for 2 1/2 weeks, hanging pictures on the walls of the new house, or starting a blog for crying out loud. Don't we know when enough is enough? There's only so much energy to go around, even after the second cup of coffee, and we perfectionists know we cannot do ALL things perfectly. (Some of us may not admit it.) So why start stuff anyway? Because I just can't help it!! I love to start stuff; I just may not finish it. So, today, instead of a much-needed nap, I am messing around with my new blog !! and introducing myself to the "new" secondhand camera we just bought from my ever-loving big bro (did you know that there is a setting for self-portraits?--ha!--doesn't work well though.)
And in between uploading pictures, I am decorating a huge cardboard box for Owen. Speaking of starting things...I drew a doorbell on the front. So now Sweetcheeks must grab my face, turn it in his direction and I must watch him press the doorbell and chant his little version of DING DONG. And now I hear him on the baby's monitor, messing in Helen's room while she is taking a nap.
So I guess starting stuff comes easy for me, but maintenance is the issue. We'll see how I do on the blog!


Carrie said...

WHOO-HOOO!!! I'm so glad you started a blog! I was just thinking that you needed to so I could keep up on the latest!

Deb said...

Yay! Welcome to bloggerhood, Joyce!

I look forward to catching up on you and your life since high school :)