Saturday, August 30, 2008

Jack at Two Months, or What Happened to My Neck?

Jack weighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces at 8 weeks. He's now 9 1/2 weeks and getting pudgier by the day. He is by far the earliest mover I have had, and started flipping from tummy to back at 7 weeks. He can scooch forward and pivot on his belly too.

Here he is, showing off his cute pudge. He loves a bath. He has always loved his bath, since I skipped the sponge-bath thing when he was a newborn and went straight to the tub with him. (Don't tell anyone.)

All clean and happy!

We've had a few magic nights where he has slept almost 7 hours straight, but it's usually only 5 or 6.

He's a social guy. When being held, he prefers looking out toward the room rather than checking out a shoulder seam. He's smiling a lot more now, and smiles when I make silly faces at him. (Did I mention his great sense of humor?) He coos when he's extremely happy. It's the sweetest sound, eliciting the most embarrassing baby talk from anyone.
Here he is, doing his push-ups. He's getting pretty strong, and sometimes likes to stiffen his legs and stand when I'm holding him.
Here's the 2-month picture, taken on the right day!

I had no idea a baby bottom was so multi-functional.


Anonymous said...

Love the bath picture. . he looks like the picture of contentment :). Jan

Anonymous said...

Loved the update, Joyce. I can't wait to meet him, but I am sure he will change so much by the time that happens. Hope he has been a wonderful addition to the family and you feel normal again...but what you knew is normal is no longer, hope this new stage has been fun for you.

shaunjoy said...

He looks so wonderfully squeezy and pinchy and smoochy! :)

Grandma Ruby said...

Jack, you dear little boy! So much sweetness in these photo updates, Joyce.