I tried this hint and liked it: "Wash windows with a solution of 1/2 cup ammonia and 1/8 cup of vinegar to one quart of warm water. Your windows will glow with no streaks, and this cleaning fluid is much cheaper than prepared window sprays."
(She forgot to say that a glowing, streakless patio door is an invitation to sticky hands and faces.)
My favorite hint so far: "A house that is always spotless and never cluttered may be a sign that the needs of the family members are not being adequately met. Remember that a house is to live in as well as to keep clean and neat."
Some lived-in signs around here:
And some last-minute sewing before the baby comes:
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, right on my due date. Until then, I'll be scrubbing my lived-on floors and folding laundry.
Love the housekeeping hints...esp. the 2nd one...so true!
Happy due date tomorrow...hope the Dr. orders this baby to make a speedy delivery! :0
My sister will be scheduled for Emme's arrival on Saturday if she doesn't show her face before then. I'm hoping I get a new niece and nephew in the same week! :)
Love love love the adorable grinning munchkins on the counter. Are they just not the cutest little things or what??!! They look about the same size! :) Like mine! Happy deliveries, Joycie - I'll wait to hear the phone ring! :)
Helen doesn't know a cute dress when she wears one! Thanks for giving us permission to have a messy house. :)
Helen's dress is adorable. . but I don't think I've ever seen her were it :). Cute picture of them on the counter also. . . I got out my mixer today and Owen said, "Aunt Jan make cookies!!".. I had to burst his bubble that I wasn't making cookies :). Jan
I, of course, think the pillow case dress is adorable! Mattie Ulrich would be so happy to know that the pillow case that I got from HER garage sale made it to MY garage sale and then found a wonderful home with Helen! :)
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