This little boy of ours has me laughing at least once a day. His funny moments balance out the times I don't know what to do with his fussy little self.
Here he went to sleep with toys in his crib, and woke up playing with the O-Ball. He could hardly stop playing to look at the camera.

But he eventually paid me some attention.

We like to do funny things to him while he's in his crib, the poor captive! He lost his sense of humor after two minutes.

The little kid is exceedingly mobile, and gets exactly where he wants to go. He doesn't crawl, but swims everywhere. His arms do the work and his legs sweep behind him like a tail, although today I might have seen a few tentative hand/knee crawl motions. His most recent discovery has been big brother's/big sister's room. Here he entertained his sister for a few minutes until I ended the show; Helen needed a nap.

He likes to go into their room when they're not there and find their treasures, like daddy's old tractor and disk. As soon as I took this picture, he disked his foot and started screaming.

And we catch him in this position sometimes. Yoga baby? Notice the right foot turned outward. We're keeping an eye on that. We noticed that both of his feet turned out when he was born, but they do seem to be correcting. Help us all if he needs corrective shoes like my little brother used to kick my shins!

Jack loves watersports. He splashed in his personal pool during a play date at Ava's house, and even ate lunch at the swim bar. (In other words, I spooned out his veggies and fruit while he was sitting in the water.) He loved it so much, I put him in the dishpan the next time I mopped the floor. This was partly because during the previous mopping, he had followed me, drying a Jack-sized streak all over the floor and ending up very soggy.

I cannot believe how fast time is going! In less than two months, he'll be having a birthday. I'll make the cake and then probably have a good cry.
Loved, loved, loved the Jack update! He seriously can't be turning one in two months!!??
Love the yoga pose. You got some great shots. What a cutie!
What a sweetheart!!! I just so know what you mean about how you can't believe how fast the time is going. It seems like it goes faster with each child. I am just savoring the babyness of Zion while it is still around...
what a sweetie!! It really doesn't seem that long ago that Helen and Owen showed up with their big brother and big sister t-shirts and surprised the socks off of us :)
Looks like a very happy, busy child. Love the personal pool!
Oh, I also like the stripes on the wall in Helen's room. I don't think I've seen those before...great idea!
What a great little peak into your day with your little Jack. What a cutie pie!!
Let's get a better look at that cute kitchen curtain I saw hanging in the background of one of the pictures...shall we?????? I know you were looking for blog post how about a decorating course?
Thanks for all the sweet Jack comments. He really is so sweet and squeezy, I wish I could let all of you love all over him for a day.
Heather, I think you saw Jack's curtain in his room. My mother in law used giraffe-print decorator fabric and made a simple one-pleat topper for the window. I'll try to take a close-up of it for you. ( :
Jack is so cute!!!
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